Saturday, September 9, 2023

I visited the Keepers Area this past Labor Day weekend and shot a few YouTube Shorts.

The one below is of a large stone mound in the Keepers Area that has been disfigured badly over the years. The Land Memories still remain strong.

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Climbing South Hill

 I had a chance to visit South Hill this past Labor Day Weekend. I climbed South Hill will my friend Pete; something I had not done in some time. Below are a few pictures.

Stopping to take in the view. Notice the orb on the back of my friend Pete's neck. I have taken many pictures at this location and most of them have orbs in them. Here is a previous post I did about this lookout area September 25, 2019--Part 1

A dimpled (depressed center area) stone mound covering several Earth Chakras.

The last section of the three tiered terraced mound--cotntinuing to deteriorate but still holding together.

A front view of the three tiered stone mound showing all three sections.

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Labor Day Weekend--Four Tiered Mound, Keepers Area

 I was fortunate this past weekend to find the four-tiered Mound. It seems that its deterioration is acclerating.There is very little to distinguish any of the tierrs/terraces  

Bottom up view.

The tiers are a little more visible looking down.

A fmiliar Manitou Stone that I have photographed several times.

The large stone mound in the Keepers area pictured above continues to deteriorate.

There were lots of Monarch Butterflies amongst the golden rod.

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

Memorial Day 2021--Keeper's Work, The Sound of Electrified Air (Energy Charged)

I went to the Ledges area to do some Keeper's work to help maintain or even elevate the vibe. I had not been there in a couple of years

The picture above is of the Welcome Circle in the Ledges area. In it are my backpack and my dog Pepper, still kicking at 17. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the energy vortex (what I call a Natural Vortex) in the Welcome Circle  was still in intact. I meditated and took some other actions to fortify it.

The area was a little wet as a pool had formed between two berms as pictured below.

Below are some pictures of some interesting Manitou stones I found.

Pictured above are two Manitou Stones wrapped by a vine.

In the picture above a Manitou Stone (left side) is next to a huge rock.

Was that Electricity/Energy I Heard?

I went to the area within Ledges so potent and charged that we call it Purple Haze or something similar.  I stood in the area "where the veil was thin" for a little bit but it started to affect my breathing and balance so I moved.

It was then that I noticed and heard a crackling sound, as if something was ruffling leaves like tiny pellets or hail, or a cold rain was hitting the ground. It was not.

I looked to see if I could see something falling from the sky and hitting the leaves. I walked around with my hands open palms up, and I felt nothing. I took out my notebook and walked around with it open and saw nothing striking it. 

i wondered if it was the movement of the Life Force in this charged area that I was hearing.? It sounded similar to what I sometimes hear when I walk under high power lines.

The sound diminished as I moved farther away from Purple Haze and was pretty much gone after I left the Ledges area. 


I heard the movement of the Life Force, Energy, in a supercharged area. Thanks God.

The Healing Three Tiered/Stepped Mound had not changed over the last few years. The deterioration it experienced a few years back has not worsened as the pictures below show.

Visiting Old Friends

It is always a joy to go to High Tor and explore and reminisce, especially  the Ledges area. A place where I have had all sorts of mystical experiences and learned and was taught so much. A pilgrimage area where the embers from the thousands that have meditated, done ceremony or cried for a vision there for centuries if not eons before me.

A place that has taught me so much about our Mother and working with Stone. Indeed a place close to my heart.

Later I went to Brink Hill. I dowsed for a natural vortex to meditate in and was blessed to find one. It's been a while since I imbibed on this wonderful tradition.

It was Memorial Weekend and I was in High Tor again!

A Blessing.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Labor Day Weekend 2020--Manitou Stones Abound

We were blessed with wonderful weather in the Finger lakes region of New York State this past labor day weekend. I found lots of Manitou Stone during my visit to High Tor; one of which was a first--a large Manitou and a related stone structure.

Walking on a herd path it was not long before I found the small Manitou pictured below.

While the Manitou above is small,  less than 6 inches in height I imagine that it was much taller when it was first constructed. This is because of the decomposition of debris/leaves/branches etc  around it decompose over the millennia since it was first erected and raise the soil level. I imagine that the stone is about 2 feet in length and probabably stood 1 to 1 1/2 feet tall when it was first constructed.

The picture below is of a Manitou in front of an elevated stone circle in the shape of a horseshoe. My backpack is in the center of the dimpled area of the elevated stone circle. There is one earth chakra to the right of my backpack that is covered with stones.

I took the picture below with a flash and it shows a few orbs confirming that there is lots of energy in the area.

Unfortunately it appears that there once was a much larger structure. The picture below looks to the right of the mound and it shows a recently constructed series of stone walls built within the last 100 years or so. I imagine that these are not field stones collected by a farmer, but rather made up of stones taken or dismantled from, ancient sacred stone structures.

From the picture below one assumes that they were used to corral or house livestock of some sorts. There were more such stone walls.

What makes me believe that there was a much larger stone structure at the location was the swath of stones (pictured below) that ran parallel  to the stone structures. The swath of stones, or rubble, ran about 50 feet in length, was 6-8 feet in width and located about 20 feet below the stone structures.

I am fairly confident that this swath of stones was part of a larger structure because of its very positive vibe. A positive vibe comes about when praying, ceremony, healing, altruistic acts and the like take place at a location over time. So the stones were involved with sacred acts.

The very positive vibe of the swath of stones stands in sharp contrast to the vibe of the area of the large manitou and recently constructed stone walls which was neutral. At one time I imagine that the vibe of the area of large manitou was very positive from ceremony/prayer/meditation snd has been desecrated or not used for sacred/healing/altruistic purposes. The imprints of the vibe tell the story.

The idea that the swath of stones were associated with positive/sacred purposes was also confirmed by the several Manitou Stones located within it like the one pictured below.

It was another wonderful day at this very sacred site. I feel so blessed for finding Clarks Gully and High Tor and encourage you to visit.



Friday, July 3, 2020

Memorial Day Weekend 2020

Below are some pictures of a survey we did Memorial Day weekend in the Brink Hill area.
Manitou Stone

Large Manitou Stone, One of two converging on a tree.

The other Manitou Stone had fallen over.

Another view of the two Manitou Stones Converging on a tree.

Delapitaded stone mound, but you can still see parts of stones that were stacked.

Jaeda Bear is lying in the depressed area of a dimpled stone mound.

Friday, September 27, 2019

September 25, 2019--Part 1

I had a chance to get back to High Tor for some exploring and meditating on sacred rock piles.

I visited the lookout on the herd path to climb South Hill.

As noted in a post years ago The Ledges, Marked Energy Lines, Fare ye well--May 11, 2017 Visit this area has always been dear to me:

Ever since I began coming here a decade ago the tree served as a marker: a location with a beautiful view and a reminder that most of the climbing was behind you.
Below is a picture I took in the winter of 2008. Pepper is sitting on the tree with his winter coat on. An orb next to him.

I remember stopping here one Labor Day weekend to take in the view. As I looked out I saw what I thought were three very large orbs on the other side of the gully. Upon closer inspection I realized that they were swarms monarch butterflies--apparently beginning their migration to Mexico.
The sad thing is that since that picture was taken wind turbines have been placed on a hill in the distance.

Exploring the Keeper's Area
I spent the bulk of my time exploring the Keeper's Area. Below are some pictures of the stone structures that I found.

 The picture above is of a stone mound with two dimpled, or depressed areas. As you can see it is not in good shape.

The picture above shows a manitou stone that was part of the pile. It is the upright triangular moss shaped stone.

I also found a large pile of rubble that covered a couple of Earth Chakras pictured below

Continue September 25, 2019--Part 2