I went to the Ledges area to do some Keeper's work to help maintain or even elevate the vibe. I had not been there in a couple of years
The picture above is of the Welcome Circle in the Ledges area. In it are my backpack and my dog Pepper, still kicking at 17. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the energy vortex (what I call a Natural Vortex) in the Welcome Circle was still in intact. I meditated and took some other actions to fortify it.
The area was a little wet as a pool had formed between two berms as pictured below.
Below are some pictures of some interesting Manitou stones I found.
Pictured above are two Manitou Stones wrapped by a vine.In the picture above a Manitou Stone (left side) is next to a huge rock.
Was that Electricity/Energy I Heard?
I went to the area within Ledges so potent and charged that we call it Purple Haze or something similar. I stood in the area "where the veil was thin" for a little bit but it started to affect my breathing and balance so I moved.
It was then that I noticed and heard a crackling sound, as if something was ruffling leaves like tiny pellets or hail, or a cold rain was hitting the ground. It was not.
I looked to see if I could see something falling from the sky and hitting the leaves. I walked around with my hands open palms up, and I felt nothing. I took out my notebook and walked around with it open and saw nothing striking it.
i wondered if it was the movement of the Life Force in this charged area that I was hearing.? It sounded similar to what I sometimes hear when I walk under high power lines.
The sound diminished as I moved farther away from Purple Haze and was pretty much gone after I left the Ledges area.
I heard the movement of the Life Force, Energy, in a supercharged area. Thanks God.
The Healing Three Tiered/Stepped Mound had not changed over the last few years. The deterioration it experienced a few years back has not worsened as the pictures below show.
It is always a joy to go to High Tor and explore and reminisce, especially the Ledges area. A place where I have had all sorts of mystical experiences and learned and was taught so much. A pilgrimage area where the embers from the thousands that have meditated, done ceremony or cried for a vision there for centuries if not eons before me.
A place that has taught me so much about our Mother and working with Stone. Indeed a place close to my heart.
Later I went to Brink Hill. I dowsed for a natural vortex to meditate in and was blessed to find one. It's been a while since I imbibed on this wonderful tradition.
It was Memorial Weekend and I was in High Tor again!
A Blessing.