Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sacred Sites Update--High Tor's The Ledges, A Thin Veil, A Powerful Spot Found

Wow. Last week in our continuing effort to catalogue the stone structures at the Ledges (pages 304-308 of Sacred Sites in North Star Country) we came upon a particularly powerful place on the far end of the upper Ledge. A place where people must have prayed, done cermony and vision quested with great intensity for centuries. A place that has fortunately maintained its spiritual integrity over the millennia.

It is an open doorway to altered states of consciousness, other realities, a place to get great insights, have visions, have mystical and hallucinogenic experiences....Some would say it has a thin veil, others might call it a portal, others might just feel it has a great vibe. I still don't know what to make of it.

The Area of the Thin Veil.  There are 5 staffs marking the 5 stone mounds in the area. Janice Carr is in the front holding one staff. Behind her to the right is a staff by itself and I am in the distance holding another. Behind her to the right next to the trees is a staff by itself, marking another stone mound. Photographer, Peter Shell, is holding a staff marking another stone mound. There are three energy vortices marked by the black dog(Jaeda Bear), white dog(Pepper) and the white paper/orange cushion. There are several other  mounds close by going the other way.

The three energy vortices are a testament to the power of the place and that spiritual activities took place there. Sensations for the three of us ranged  from feeling very charged to being in another place/dimension while there. One assumes that this place was intentionally created to have pilgrims experience altered states of consciousness. It certainly is conducive to pilgrims having visions or hallucinogenic experiences. I cannot imagine what it was like in its peak.

What is notable is that, while being in the space certainly enlightens/charges you up, those sensation do not linger as profoundly as with other aspects of Mother Earth. It seems that when you enter the space after some time you go into an altered state of consciousness, but once you step out things are significantly reduced.

What you experience can vary. You may feel little, or nothing at at all. You may just feel an energy burst. Or you have a profound mystical experience....What you feel depends upon your connection to Mother Earth, your spiritual acumen.....

It can take some time before you experience, or feel, the affects of the space. So give it some time before it works its magic.

What is It? 
There appears to be something more of Mother Earth there besides Earth Chakras. Some other aspect of Her subtle body. I did find something. But....I think that the real power of the place rests in the imprints left there by visiting pilgrims from their spiritual practices over thousands of years. The three natural vortices (energy vortices) tell you that serious spiritual activities took place there and certainly add to the feeling of the place.

A thin veil? Certainly the veil to higher realities, certainly exists there. Traditionally I have found them to be very small pockets--nothing of this size.

I wonder if we have discovered some other new co-creation beyond natural vortices (energy vortices) with Mother Earth? Something on the next rung of the ladder in our co-creating with Mother Earth. As I  noted in my dedication of Vortices and Spirals and in other writings when you, "Love, give, heal, do unto others, practice ahimsa, pray, meditate and Mother Earth may bless you with a vortex." So a natural vortex is one of the first rungs on the ladder of co-creation with Mother Earth, have we just discovered the next rung up?

I have no idea. This is only one of the questions I have been asking myself since. I certainly feel blessed to have this spot revealed to us.

Powerful Imprints
As I noted in my intro to High Tor in Sacred Sites in North Star Country,
“Imagine if you could go back in time 2,000, or even 3,000 years, or more, to when the mound builders inhabited much of the Eastern United States. Imagine if you could visit one of their sacred sites and feel the charged atmosphere of their spiritual practices as you sat next to one of their mounds. Can you feel the chills running up and down your spine as you cry for a vision and tap into the collective consciousness of the thousands that have been here centuries before you? Feel their thoughts, as they help elevate your consciousness, bring you closer to the Great Spirit, open up lines of communication to other worlds, and give you visions while healing you.”  Page (292-293)
This is probably one of the best places to have such an experience.

If You Visit
Make sure to spend some time in the Welcome Circle as noted on Page 306 of Sacred Sites in North Star Country. This is critical, otherwise you may diminish the vibe; and it is the vibe, and not the all the stone structures that are what makes the Ledges so precious.

Smudge yourself, say a prayer, meditate for a while in the Welcome Circle.

Bring a small offering, a flower...Spread some tobacco. It's not so much what you bring, as it is that you show reverence and respect.

Act in a Sacred Manner while there--Keep your thoughts positive, focus on the divine.....Do not bring your cell phone or other electronic devices harmful to our Mother. Limit your picture taking, or balance them with a prayer.

If you have to go to the bathroom do so far from the holy area.

Make sure you can drive after you leave. Bring some food, preferably root vegetables to ground you if necessary. Generally people maintain mental acuity. Just make sure if is safe for you to drive.

This is an incredible find. I share this with you because I want you to be able to experience it as well. It is a gift to us from the pilgrims that have visited before. A gift for you to experience. A gift that you can share with others that will follow by acting in a sacred manner when visiting and praying and meditating while you are there.

Remember it's all about the Vibe


PS I encourage you to visit soon. I have written about this for several articles and I imagine over time people will begin to frequent the Ledges. Enjoy before the chances for solitude are reduced.

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